Third Cycle Poetic Prophecy: Unity 2012

Third Cycle Poetic Prophecy Video 911, end times, 2012, nuclear war, Armageddon

Echoes from Forgotten and Forbidden Sacred Ancestry

By: D. Clark

“As I look upon the darkness that devoured the light… I see a faint glimpse of a
distant glow of fire. As I near this enchanted area, I see before me the
primitives of man. I watch with wonder and fear as this tribal festival becomes
larger as time goes on. A sacred ritual of echoed times of yesterday, a massive
celebration, none ever heard of or seen by any of the present. A newborn child
of man with loneliness and desperateness, this tribe was in grave need of help.
A dance so mysterious, even the clouds illuminated by the moon seemed to
open up. A great rain fell down upon this day, with thunder raging into the
silences of the horizon. As the gods noticed the many before them, in seek of
desperate needs; they made their presence with a titanic display of lights in
the sky. Fires of the sky light up the rest of the dark region. This tribe was
blinded by its faith, and was not aware of the true presence, as they bow
before the majesties of the great ancient disciples. Many gods were actively
descending from the heavens that night; a truly magnificent gift was to be
received this night, a newborn child was to receive a wisdom and knowledge as
vast and bright as a super nova. As the primitives greeted these gods with such
joy and wonderment, the gods themselves were delighted.” 

“The illness of the sheltered silence did not fall upon this most primitive of
man, yet with irony, a lack of advance reckoning deceived this tribe. A limit of
mind and soul was taught by the gods, ability of blind faith developed upon this
first day of significance. Temples of vast granite, marble, and stone shall be
constructed as shines for worship of such powerful gods. A true miracle beyond
even that of the matured man could comprehend was performed by the gods;
mountains of stone were deemed weightless before the power of the great
disciples. This god shall make its presence known before all tribes of the third
brother in the sky of nine. A brotherhood of man has evolved as all united as
one upon the great shores of the unpredictable seas of yet to come. Triangular
shrines were created by unimaginable precision and ingenuity, as the patience
and labors of thousands created such timeless marvels. These gods have
showed vast benefits of life and tranquility, man had the seeds to plant the
trees of unseen distant knowledge of the fruit of life its self. This was self preservation
onto others of a code that one shall not break, a sacred trust
amongst all gods of the third planet and of its brothers. I watch before and
wonder of this vision of either past or future.”

Third Cycle Poetic Prophecy Video 911, end times, nuclear war, armageddon

Third Cycle Poetic Prophecy Book Video Revised

Author D Clark

There is an amazing story to be told about the author D. Clark. He experienced a wave of Catastrophic Events that destroyed him not only Financially but health wise as well. Years before millions across the US became victims in the Housing and Economic Crisis the author experienced this several years ahead of time.

Loss of a home due to foreclosure a once good paying job and after getting married a miscarriage. Years of horrific loss of both health and financial stability it almost seemed that the D. Clark was somehow cursed with a great string of bad luck. Yet with so many grand trials and horrible tragedy nothing could stop the publishing of this book.

A very small simple book of poetry that so many will see. Less then 100 pages how can this even be called a book? Plus who would want to buy this book besides how small it is but also it's poetry. I myself was tired of boring old poetry that told almost the same thing over and over. It was time for a change from the same old boring stuff we were forced to read in school.

During the last week of August 2001 author D. Clark experienced a type of dizzy sensation that began to get worse. Being already exposed to methods of online communication in voice and text chat rooms online author D. Clark started down a dark path that never can end. Having served in the US Military as a soldier in the US Army back in 1992 and having a top secret clearance hearing about certain ideas was not new.

Areas of exposure regarding UFO's, Alien contact and technology were simple topics that would come up while working the Grave Yard shift at the Military Police Station. You would be surprised about what ideas are thought up during a very long and boring 12 hour Graveyard shift at a Military Police Station where everyone does have some kind of high Security Clearance. You would hear a lot of things in those 12 hours. Certain topics that would keep you awake so you do not fall asleep on the job.

One such topic was sort of brought up about a UFO encounter with another person who will not be named at all. It was not a simple joke about UFO's either something truely took place and being curious I wanted to hear more. I was ordered to not go any further into this and I will not provide anything else on this due to the serious in nature events. Same goes for exactly what all of this poetry really means. It is like talking about a UFO encounter for one thing who is going to really believe you. Plus besides fear that it will cause the dangers involved in releasing something as troubling as this are great.

It was said that the author was involved with channeling this information that is contained in this book of poetry. Either by sources of the paranormal or by sources that are beyond our own world. There is no true reason for creating this book and you will understand easy that there would be NO Profit involved in this. Because about 90% of each purchase of this small book goes to the publisher. Author D. Clark would have to sell a massive amount of books to generate a profit that can be notice.

Source of inspiration for writing this book according to the author remains and will always remain UNKNOWN. So if you do buy this book then you will be supporting someone who has lost a great deal. You can find this book at the links below and you can purchase an instant direct PDF copy of this book to share and print very easily.